In Australia, two police officers and a civilian were murdered in an ambush by what the government authorities and media are present as radical antivaccination conspiracy theorists, and there is much winging of hands as to how to stop radicalisation of people. Yet the authorities and media totally ignore their role in radicalising the population through human rights abuses which included forced vaccinations, vilification and victimisation of those who are against these and other abuses of human rights, and excessive police brutality which culminated in the shooting of unarmed protesters in the back. Ironically, the latter incident occurred at the Shrine of Remembrance in Melbourne, Australia, which was erected in memory of those who had sacrificed their lives in wars so that Australia would be a free and fair society. Although all acts of murder are unacceptable and are rightly condemned, the authorities should take responsibility for what they have done to the population and should not be surprised that people whose human rights were abused and who lost their jobs because they would not cave in to the abuses are angry at the authorities.


Parliamentarians in democratic countries are elected to represent an serve their electorates not foreign entities. This convention has been broken in several countries, including the United States, and now a group of Canadian parliamentarians has vowed to take its orders from the Palestinians. The group includes Omar Alghabra and Elizabeth May at a recent meeting. It is most concerning that the lawmakers see their duty to a foreign power over the interests of their own country and citizens bodes ill for the survival of democracy, which has already been severely battered with autocratic and often brutal responses to Covid19.


Australia without consultation and while Jews was celebrating a religious holiday rescinded its recognition of West Jerusalem as the capital of Israel, gaining praise from despotic terrorist supporting states, supposedly to allow the matter to be settled between the Palestinians in the Israelis. This plays into the hands of terrorists. West Jerusalem has never been in dispute. It is the seat of the Israeli parliament and government. East Jerusalem, for thousands of years the Jewish quarter of the city, was invaded by Arabs and ethnically cleansed of the indigenous Jews in 1948, and was won back 19 years later when the Arabs invaded again. All peace offers over many years have been rejected by the Arabs, and this move supports those who want to invade and ethnically cleanse the rest of Israel. It also consolidates Australia’s anti-Semitism, which includes disallowing the building of synagogues, Jewish students at school being forced to lick the shoes of Moslem students and growing attacks on Jews. Hypocritically, while dictating to Israel where its capital should be, wants Israel to continue assisting it with intelligence and counter-terrorism. The Israeli government should downgrade co-operation with Australia.


The world is moving more towards digital transactions with a corresponding reduction in cash payments. Banks are encouraging people to go to on-line banking, and it is now common to pay for even small items digitally. I will of this brings more oversight and control by governments and corporations, with consequent further loss of privacy and autonomy of citizens. Cryptocurrency appeared to be the antidote, completely of the sight of authorities, however governments are trying to ban any cryptocurrency except for their own, citing the spurious reason that it is too complex for the ordinary citizen to understand. This is merely code for the government wanting total control over its citizens. This is a complete opposite of the foundation of democracy, in which the government is supposed to be there to serve the people rather than the other way around. The government responses to the Covid19 outbreak have tipped the balance of power away from the people to the authorities, which gained total control and brutally squashed any opposition to this. Sadly, people seem to accept this without a fight, ensuring that George Orwell’s nightmare scenario occurs sooner than later.


President Biden’s visit was a slapping the face to Israel. While the Israeli government lauded him and awarded him a medal, ceded some Israel land in area C to the Arabs, and froze approval of Jewish housing projects in Israel, he shed crocodile tears at Yad Vashem and spoke about military co-operation, then stuck the knives in. On his visit to an East Jerusalem hospital, he refused to allow any Israeli official to accompany him, and ordered Israeli flags removed from his vehicles. He insulted the Jews by claiming that the plight of Arabs under control of the Palestinian Authority is the same discrimination that his family suffered as Irish Catholics, claimed that the Israeli’s had killed the Palestinian journalist, when this matter has not been resolved, and pledged 100s of millions of dollars in aid to the Palestinians Authority, money that, if history is followed, will be divided between terrorist activities and Abbas’ and his cronies’ Swiss bank accounts. Biden is the first president to fly directly from Israel to Saudi Arabia, which was made possible by President Trump’s efforts while he was in office. Israel should stop being pushed around by the United States and the European union, and should stand up for itself. In the end, the world needs Israel more than Israel needs it.


Christianity has a long history of the demonising dues and blaming them for all kinds of disasters, natural and man-made. Despite our supposed enlightenment, particularly after the horrors of the 2nd world War, the US Presbyterian Church has shown that nothing has been learned from the past and that nothing has changed. At its 225th General assembly, June 28th, 2022, it has made a resolution (INT-02) that calls Christian Zionism idolatrous and heretical. It accuses Israel of being an apartheid state and compares its treatment of the Arab Palestinians with the Nazi treatment of the Jews. This is pure anti-Semitic libel. Zionism is the movement to allow the indigenous Jews a right to self-determination in their own land. In Israel every citizen has the same rights, regardless of ethnicity or religion. Israel is constantly under siege from Arab terrorism, and the indigenous Jews have suffered ethnic cleansing and murder from Arab colonisers, for example in Hebron (1929) and the Jewish Quarter of Jerusalem (East Jerusalem, 1948). There is no peace with the Arab Palestinians because they have rejected every peace offer made, including the original partition in 1948. These resolutions, passed just now, are laying the groundwork for another Holocaust, and must be resolutely fought.


Israel continues to be under serious diplomatic attack from its supposed allies as well as from its enemies. The EU is once again attacked Israel over building over the green line and the removal of squatters, the US has upgraded its Palestinian office in Jerusalem as a prelude to opening consulate to the Palestinians in West Jerusalem, which is in undisputed Israeli territory and the UN has continued its attacks. Over the years Israel has stayed silent on these matters, however it is time to declare that it is a sovereign democratic nation, and that these entities, particularly the EU and the US, should stop supporting those who wish to ethnically cleanse the area of Jews and to colonise the land. Jews are the indigenous people of the land and have a right to be there. The Arab colonisers who for political reasons changed their name to Palestinians in the 1960s should be held to account. This must be the only conflict in which the world attacks indigenous people and sides with colonisers who wish to murder the indigenous population. Image: Mount of Olives Jewish Cemetery


The world insists that is Israel maintains the status quo in the West Bank and on Temple Mount, and is angered when Israel approves new housing in the West Bank or acts to protect its citizens praying at the Kotel from Palestinians throwing rocks at them from the top of Temple Mount. However, insistence on maintaining the status quo does not seem to apply to the Palestinians, who are funded by the EU to expand their settlements in the West Bank into Israeli territory. Nor is a world worried when Palestinians break the status quo by digging up priceless archaeological areas on the Temple Mount and opening three new mosques. In short, the hypocrisy of the world supports the ethnic cleansing and colonisation of Jewish areas by Arab colonists (who in the 1960s changed their name to Palestinians). Israel should stop listening to and trying to appease the world which does not have it is interest at heart.


Despite the main leaders of the West being in denial, World War III is moving along and, like in World War II, unspeakable atrocities are being committed, with the civilian population paying a huge price. Countries that are in the firing line feeling uneasy. Some, such as Finland and Sweden, have woken up and are rushing to join NATO. Those who remember and had suffered a lot last time, such as Poland, have been preparing for a while, and are now preparing their citizens. Poland has issued a handbook for survival during war. On the other side of the world, Taiwan is following events, knowing that it is a matter of when, not if it is attacked. Likewise, it is also preparing and has issued a handbook for its citizens. Rather than crushing the problem at the beginning by stopping Russian aggression, the West is slowly building up to a more major war. This is a repeat of the events of World War II with a change in some of the players.


Medicine is supposed to be based on science and research, and treatments are supposed to be evidence-based. Unfortunately, in Australia cancel culture and personal attacks have replaced science as the basis of medicine in some quarters. In 2019 Australian Journal of General Practice, the official Journal of the Royal Australian College of General practice commissioned two papers on the management of melanoma. These papers were published following extensive review. Immediately, the Melanoma Institute Australia demented the papers be retracted as they contained factual errors. Using “independent reviewers” the journal retracted the papers, only informing the authors after the fact, against all guidelines. Furthermore, the journal’s Editor in Chief, Prof. Stephen Margolis, refused to either let the authors no the contents of these “’reviews” or no what the supposed factual errors were. The Melanoma Institute of Australia immediately went to the general press with false information to totally destroy the reputations of the authors. The then President of the College, on his death bed, admitted that due process was not followed and sent copies of the reviews to the authors. The reviews were little more than personal attacks, with not one comment on the actual content of the papers, let alone listing of any factual errors. After this, Prof. Richard Scolyer of the Melanoma Institute Australia, in a lecture, stated as fact the exact things that the retracted papers contained. The College refuses to do due process and look into this matter. This can only be interpreted as malicious destruction of reputation by rivals with access to the media, and ultimately the losers will be patients.


The barbaric slaughter of Ukrainians continues on an ever-increasing scale. The Ukrainian leadership and people have shown extreme bravery in stopping the Russian invasion. The Russians, ever more desperate for victory, resorting to ever more deadly shelling and missile attacks on homes and hospitals. The West has stood by, giving platitudes and weapons but will not do what it would take to stop the slaughter, which is to shut the skies over Ukraine and send in troops. Quite the opposite, they have shut the door on Ukraine ever joining NATO. Like their predecessors, they are under the illusion that if they just allow Putin to take over Ukraine, he will leave them alone. He has clearly let it be known that he intends to re-establish the Soviet empire, and he is serious about doing this. Western leaders have shown only weakness, which Putin senses, and they will be remembered as today’s Neville Chamberlains. Neville Chamberlain’s peace delusion cost 20 million lives. How many deaths will today’s Western leaders cause through their inaction?


The current world situation is similar to that leading up to WW2. Putin has long stated that he wants to rebuild the Russian empire. Just like Germany in the 1930s, he is starting by taking bits of countries at a time (starting with Crimea in 2014, then parts of Georgia followed by Eastern Ukraine). The world is sitting back, doing nothing, so he feels free to take more. He will then go for entire countries. The likes of Poland, now one of the most free and democratic countries in the world, will be the next target. China is doing the same, having recently occupied the South China Sea and taken over an 8 km deep part of Bhutan and a small part of India. In the 1930s the world paid a huge cost in blood and money for its appeasement, and it will do so again. This, together with the fast-deteriorating human rights situation in many Western countries such as Australia and Canada, portends a grim future. People have learned nothing from the past.


The government has succeeded in getting the Federal Court to deport world tennis champion Novak Djokovic based on his belief that people should have a right to choose whether to be vaccinated or not. The decision to deport him is a purely political one, with no arguments based on law. This is a great setback for human rights in Australia, which is now one of the most brutal dictatorships where people who are not vaccinated have been stripped of the right to go where they please, to receive an education or to emigrate to a free country. Leaders give speeches vilifying them as spreading Covid19 and endangering the lives of those who are vaccinated, both of which are lies. According to polls 70% of Australians now believe this rhetoric. Today Australia more and more resembles 1930s Germany.


The events around tennis champion Novak Djokovic have exposed to the world Australia’s cruel and farcical apartheid laws. Djokovic was invited to Australia’s tennis championships, the Australian Open, and was given a medical exemption from requiring a Covid 19 vaccination to allow him to enter the country and compete. His visa was revoked at the border however he could afford to take this to the law courts, which quashed the government’s ruling and reinstated his visa. Australia has a strict apartheid law that makes non-vaccinated people second class citizens who are not allowed into venues, education, work or travel, and are prevented from leaving the country, even if they hold a foreign passport. The court ruling establishes the precedence whereby foreign national who are not vaccinated may enter the country and work but citizens cannot work. The cruelty and hypocrisy of this government, equal to third world dictatorships, has reached international notoriety.


As part of its response to the Covid 19 response Australia introduced and maintains strict rules that scapegoats and discriminates against non-vaccinated people, preventing them from working, going to entertainment venues, restaurants, getting an education and, until recently, renting or buying a property, or going into a shop except for essential items (food and medicine). This has caused the non-vaccinated to lose jobs and become homeless, and has resulted in mental illness which will likely last a lifetime. In short, it has destroyed lives. The government has pushed the idea that the non-vaccinated are spreading the virus, and infecting and killing the vaccinated. This is not true. The vaccinated can become infected and spread the virus at a similar rate to the non-vaccinated, and the vaccines protect people from serious illness. The new Omicron variant that is the dominant variant in Australia has been spread by the vaccinated, as the non-vaccinated cannot travel. In Australia, 93% of the population is vaccinated. Yesterday the mental anguish has resulted in a non-vaccinated person setting himself alight in a car, the second person to do so. Australia’s disgraceful apartheid rules must end.