Christianity has a long history of the demonising dues and blaming them for all kinds of disasters, natural and man-made. Despite our supposed enlightenment, particularly after the horrors of the 2nd world War, the US Presbyterian Church has shown that nothing has been learned from the past and that nothing has changed. At its 225th General assembly, June 28th, 2022, it has made a resolution (INT-02) that calls Christian Zionism idolatrous and heretical. It accuses Israel of being an apartheid state and compares its treatment of the Arab Palestinians with the Nazi treatment of the Jews. This is pure anti-Semitic libel. Zionism is the movement to allow the indigenous Jews a right to self-determination in their own land. In Israel every citizen has the same rights, regardless of ethnicity or religion. Israel is constantly under siege from Arab terrorism, and the indigenous Jews have suffered ethnic cleansing and murder from Arab colonisers, for example in Hebron (1929) and the Jewish Quarter of Jerusalem (East Jerusalem, 1948). There is no peace with the Arab Palestinians because they have rejected every peace offer made, including the original partition in 1948. These resolutions, passed just now, are laying the groundwork for another Holocaust, and must be resolutely fought.