The events around tennis champion Novak Djokovic have exposed to the world Australia’s cruel and farcical apartheid laws. Djokovic was invited to Australia’s tennis championships, the Australian Open, and was given a medical exemption from requiring a Covid 19 vaccination to allow him to enter the country and compete. His visa was revoked at the border however he could afford to take this to the law courts, which quashed the government’s ruling and reinstated his visa. Australia has a strict apartheid law that makes non-vaccinated people second class citizens who are not allowed into venues, education, work or travel, and are prevented from leaving the country, even if they hold a foreign passport. The court ruling establishes the precedence whereby foreign national who are not vaccinated may enter the country and work but citizens cannot work. The cruelty and hypocrisy of this government, equal to third world dictatorships, has reached international notoriety.