As part of its response to the Covid 19 response Australia introduced and maintains strict rules that scapegoats and discriminates against non-vaccinated people, preventing them from working, going to entertainment venues, restaurants, getting an education and, until recently, renting or buying a property, or going into a shop except for essential items (food and medicine). This has caused the non-vaccinated to lose jobs and become homeless, and has resulted in mental illness which will likely last a lifetime. In short, it has destroyed lives. The government has pushed the idea that the non-vaccinated are spreading the virus, and infecting and killing the vaccinated. This is not true. The vaccinated can become infected and spread the virus at a similar rate to the non-vaccinated, and the vaccines protect people from serious illness. The new Omicron variant that is the dominant variant in Australia has been spread by the vaccinated, as the non-vaccinated cannot travel. In Australia, 93% of the population is vaccinated. Yesterday the mental anguish has resulted in a non-vaccinated person setting himself alight in a car, the second person to do so. Australia’s disgraceful apartheid rules must end.