While the world celebrates Christmas, human rights groups show no concern that Christians are the most persecuted religious group today. Christian churches are regularly attacked and Christians are murdered in Egypt and Nigeria, Christians are persecuted and killed in Pakistan and are discriminated against in the Palestinian territories, yet the best that the media and human rights groups can do is to condemn Israel. In a recent article, Reuters condemned Israel for the dwindling population of Christians in Gaza, totally ignoring the fact that it is local discrimination that is driving the Christians out of those places. In fact, Israel is the only Middle Eastern country with a thriving and growing Christian population. [Photograph: Haifa, Israel 2020]


“In this battle for the soul of America, democracy prevailed,” Joe Biden announced in his victory speech following the Electoral College vote in his favour, and went on to criticise Donald Trump’s attempts to hold onto power through the courts. He spoke of uniting and healing. This from the leader of a party that would not accept Donald Trump’s win in 2016, and which spent the last four years in vexatious attempts to remove a democratically elected president from power, including attempting to pin on him collusion with Russia to win the election, and an impeachment process, both of which were doomed to fail. Throughout the four years they caused nothing but division in America. The hypocrisy of the Democrats is beyond the pale.


China was brought in from the cold in 1972 when President Richard Nixon and Henry Kissinger started their famous “ping-pong diplomacy”, and since then the West has assisted China to become in economic powerhouse. China, a ruthless dictatorship, is now repaying the world by trying to re-establish its ancient empire. It has rapidly increased and modernised its military, has taken over the South China Sea and, through bullying, is attempting to turn its neighbours into vassal states that are controlled by it. China daily violates Taiwanese sovereign air space, and is conducting a trade and propaganda war against Australia. Although so far Australia’s Prime Minister is standing firm, as he should, Western Australia is buckling. Under pressure from China it has “in the interest of being factual” rewritten history to lie. Children in that state will now be taught the lies that Taiwan is part of Communist China and that the Coronavirus did not start in China. Just as disgracefully the leftist Victorian government is determined join China’s “belt and road” scheme, which is just a front for China to make states indebted to it. There is no doubt that the result will be a major war that will engulf the region and the United States. With Turkey and Iran also military expanding their empires while Europe turns a blind eye, this will become the largest and most devastating world war anyone has ever seen.


QANTAS’ CEO is trying to usurp the government in Australia. In yet another controversial move, Alan Joyce is trying to dictate government policy by declaring that passengers will be denied the ability to board international QANTAS flights unless they can prove that they have been vaccinated against Covid19. Governments and parliaments should be the only ones making rules and regulations in health and other sectors. Corporates, who are not answerable to the people, should not be allowed to make laws. This has nothing to do with whether one agrees with vaccinations or not. If QANTAS is allowed to get away with this, a precedent will be set in which corporates would be able to make arbitrary rules, including discriminatory ones against people based on race or religion. The Australian government should act quickly and decisively to stop this attempted coup. Alan Joyce should be sacked. [Photo: Alan Joyce]


The United States election is very close, and there is a real possibility that the Democrats will win. What this will mean can be deduced from what Biden, Harris and “The Squad” have said during the campaign, and the news is not good on the international front. By taking a tough stand with rogue countries President Trump had made the world safer and increased peace in the Middle East. The Democrat camp has indicated that it will undo this. It intends to reinstate funding for “pay-to-slay” salaries for terrorists, which consumes a substantial amount of the PA budget, and will drop sanctions on Iran and re-join the flawed nuclear pact, effectively allowing Iran to acquire nuclear weapons for its stated aim of murdering 8,000,000 Israelis. Likewise, China, which is preparing to invade Taiwan, will be given a free hand to do so. Kamala Harris, the Vice-Presidential running mate, and the extreme left and racist democrats forming “The Squad” have indicated that they expect to be the real power in the White House and Biden to be a puppet President. [Image: United States constitution]


The war on Western citizens and culture has seen as escalation. The recent terrorist attacks in France and Austria have been given official support together with incitement to commit more murders from the governments of Turkey, Iran, Pakistan, Malaysia and Indonesia. Western governments responded with total silence, betraying their cultures and citizens. This will be seen by those governments as a weakness and an invitation to support further attacks. One wonders what it will take for the West to wake up to the fact that it is under attack and respond appropriately. [Image: Anon, Battle of Vienna 1683, in which the city was saved from the Ottomans]


Saeb Erekat of the Palestinian Authority, a corrupt brutal dictatorship that rules over the semi-autonomous Palestinian region of the West Bank, has caught coronavirus and is in a critical medical state. He has sought and is receiving state-of-the-art treatment in Israel’s main hospital. This is the man who has spent his life inciting hate against Jews, promoting terrorism, and is part of the ruling clique that has prevented ordinary Palestinians from seeking healthcare in Israel and has rejected coronavirus aid from the United Arab Emirates, but is now being treated by the people that he lives to kill. That is the difference between the Jews, who by their religion must save all lives, and the Arab Palestinians, who brutally tortured and lynched two Jews that got lost and accidentally strayed into the territory. And yet in Western circles, it is the Jews who are vilified. [Image: Hadassah Medical Centre]


The island nation of Taiwan is now being harassed on a daily basis by Chinese fighter jets which cross the unofficial border between the two states, in an effort to wear down the small nation which has to be on constant alert and respond by scrambling its own jets, a stressful and expensive exercise. Although communist China has never ruled this land, the chairman of China has made it his personal mission to conquer the island, a successful peaceful and wealthy democracy. Taiwan is vastly outgunned by the Chinese military. If the world turns its back on this nation, like it did with Tibet, the oppression that was seen in Tibet and Hong Kong will ensue and China will be emboldened in its imperialist aims. [Image: 1640 Dutch Map of Taiwan, then known as Formosa]


Australia’s rapid descent into brutal dictatorship continues. Having politicised the police force, whose members now roam the streets in groups, intimidating and harassing innocent civilians, leaving one recently in a coma, the effectively one-man government in the state of Victoria has now introduced collective punishment, which under United Nations Article 33 is a war crime. He has stated today (October 5th) that should some people not do as he demands, then he will enforce further restrictions on the entire population. The population is effectively under house arrest, family members not living together cannot see each other, medical care is difficult to obtain, and the borders are sealed to prevent people leaving. People with foreign passports are prevented from visiting their consulates or embassies. Worryingly, Australia’s Federal government appears to be unwilling to deal with this situation. This should be a warning that democracy cannot be taken for granted, and shows how easily it is usurped by a madman. [Photograph: Victoria’s dictator Dan Andrews]


True peace can only exist between people, not governments, although the latter influence the first. The recent recognition agreements between the UAE and Bahrain, and Israel may have arisen from pragmatism, however unlike the peace treaties that Israel signed with Egypt and Jordan, these have a better chance of being genuine. While the governments of Egypt and Jordan may technically not be at war with Israel, the populations are still constantly fed antisemitic propaganda and therefore oppose what their governments are doing. The peace between those nations has thus been dubbed a “cold peace”. On the other hand, the UAE and Bahrain have prepared the people for friendship, publicly displaying their admiration for Israel. One UAE commentator stated that the Arab states had only harmed themselves by ethnically cleansing themselves of Jews. Textbooks have been cleared of antisemitism. Even Saudi Arabia has reportedly banned disparaging comments about Jews and Christians in the media, schools and sermons. These are tectonic shifts in the Middle East.


Australia used to be known as “the lucky country” for its free, easy going lifestyle and opportunity for those who worked hard, as many European migrants who ran away from the hell that the Nazi and communist occupations brought. Now that hell has descended on Australia, as Victoria has been seized by a brutal dictator, using the excuse of Covid19 to suspend parliament, lock everyone in their homes, only allowing people to go out briefly to get food and little exercise while forced to wear masks, and unleashing police brutally. As large groups of heavily armed police roam the streets, pulling people out of cars and viciously beating them senseless while letting African gangs have a free hand in invading homes and beating people senseless. Police even brutally arrest pregnant women in front of their children for posting unfavourable comments about the government on Facebook. Even foreign nationals are prevented from seeking assistance at their consulates and embassies, and are prevented from leaving the country. The Federal government has sent troops to assist the police in its campaign of fear and intimidation. For those who migrated from Europe, this is extremely traumatic. (Australia has a negligible number of active Covid19 cases; 35 new cases this day). [Photograph: Police arrive in Melbourne’s main market before brutally attacking shoppers and suspected protestors, Sunday, 13th September, 2020]


Hot on the heels of the historic recognition of Israel by the UAE, Serbia and Kosovo announced that they would be opening embassies in Jerusalem. These two countries are also seeking membership of the EU, which the latter has now exploited by warning them against opening the embassies. Hypocritically, some of the EU countries have their missions to the Palestinian Authority in Jerusalem (Belgium, France, Greece, Italy, Spain and Sweden), but deny the Jews the same right. Israel is the only country that is not being allowed to nominate its capital. The embassies in its capital are in the western part of the city, which is not in dispute. Furthermore, throughout its long history Jerusalem has never been the capital of any other country or people other than Jewish Israel. Even during centuries of Ottoman rule Jerusalem was little more than a neglected backwater of the empire. Rather than rejoicing at the moves towards peace the EU continues its war against the Jews. (Illustration: Jews at the Wailing Wall, 1890s)


For the 2020-2021 academic year prestigious Harvard Kennedy School of Government appointments include Saeb Erekat from the Palestinian Authority and Federica Mogherini, former High Representative of the European Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy. These people will be teaching future leaders in the art of diplomacy. Both are extreme antisemites. The former falsifies history and supports terrorism while the latter is strongly anti-Israeli. One would have thought that such people are inappropriate role models for our future diplomats and leaders, and the appointments will help to ensure that conflict and injustice persist into the next generation.


Did you know that you can become in instant Lord or Lady just by paying around $50 USD? At least that is what some companies are saying. The reality is not so simple. These companies have land holdings in Scotland and are “selling” plots of this land as small as 1 ft². In Scotland land owners are known as Lairds, which may be translated into Lord or Lady. There is however a catch. Under Scottish law these are known as souvenir plots and you cannot register as an owner of the land, and therefore, although your name may appear in some company document, you are not the legal owner. Furthermore, there are strict laws around legally becoming a Lord or Lady, and buying a souvenir plot certainly will not do it. If you want to be deceptive and use a peerage title to get better service at restaurant or at the airline check-in counter that is your business, but first check the laws in your country as to use of titles. Alternatively, you may view it as a donation to a private nature fund and a bit of fun. There was a similar scheme several years ago when people were selling the rights to name stars, which of course was not recognised by any authority. If you like, PD can sell you the Moon for a decent price.


The signing of an agreement between Israel and the United Arab Emirates is a Faustian deal. In exchange for promised diplomatic relations between the two countries (it is not a peace treaty as stated in the media because the two countries have never been at war), Israel has given up applying its law to its own land in the West Bank. The West Bank is vital to Israel’s security and to its survival. A true recognition of friendship between two countries should never be contingent upon one giving up its sovereignty. A piece of paper is easily torn up but security is difficult to regain - recall Neville Chamberlain waving a piece of paper, saying “Peace in our time”. That piece of paper would go on to cost millions of lives. Israelis may yet regret this day.


Many countries allow expatriates to vote in elections, while in countries such as Israel only resident citizens are allowed to vote. Allowing only resident citizens to vote ensures that only people who will be directly affected by the results of elections. It has become apparent in the cases of expatriates living in the United States and Australia have a different view of what is happening in their home countries to that of the local citizens. Israelis who have been in the United States for some time have a completely different view to those living there on matters that relate to the economic well-being and safety of the country. In the recent Polish presidential elections voters in Poland voted for the incumbent President whereas the majority of Polish citizens living in Australia voted for the opposition. It is hard to imagine that people living in a completely different environment, and who are economically and physically safe, should dictate to people living in their own country what is best for them, as no decision that they take will personally affect them but which could have negative repercussions for those in these countries.


There has been much debate amongst scholars regarding the accuracy of the Bible. There are those who take it literally, those who see it as an embellished historical record and those who are uncertain. Yet, research has validated many of its writings. Of course, people recorded events as they best understood them with their limited knowledge of the natural world. One incredible story relates to the punishment of Nebuchadnezzar II, the King of Babylon who destroyed the First Temple in Jerusalem in 586 BC, for which he was condemned to live with the beasts and eat grass like the oxen for seven years. Professor Tom Meyer of the Shasta Bible College and Graduate School in California, says that the story may be true. The King may have suffered from a now described psychiatric condition called boanthropy, in which a person has the delusion that he or she is a cow or an ox. These people eat grass and drink from puddles, as described by Dr Raymond Harrison in 1946. [Illustration: William Blake, Nebuchadnezzar, from Marriage of Heaven and Hell, 1790-1793]


The European Union has announced that it will fund projects for Arab infrastructure in area C of the West Bank, the area controlled by Israel, stating that it does not recognise any Israeli claim to the West Bank, even though legally it is Israeli territory. While demanding that Israel does not take any unilateral action, it itself is doing so, making facts on the ground to steal Israeli land. This is hypocrisy as the EU seems to have no problem with Turkey seizing Cypriot and Syrian land and ethnically cleansing it, just as Jordan seized the West Bank from Israel and ethnically cleansed it of Jews. Once again, the Europeans are determined to ensure that the Jews are deprived of any safe country against the rising tide of antisemitism. In response, Israel should extend civil law to this land to ensure secure borders. History over millennia has shown that the Jews cannot rely on anyone to protect them but themselves.


This week British Prime Minister Boris Johnson joined the chorus of people against Israel’s possible “annexation” of the “West Bank”, “As a friend of Israel”. He stated the usual claims about international law. Apart from the fact that this is not an annexation (see post May 24th, 2020) and it does not break international law, Mr Johnson is proving to be anything but a friend. Right from the start Britain has betrayed the Jews. After being given the task to administer the Mandate of Palestine and oversee the creation of Israel on the entire mandate, Britain produced its infamous two White Papers, one meant to prevent Jews escaping Hitler’s killing machine and the other preventing those who did manage to escape from seeking shelter in its mandate. Britain then gave away 70% of the land meant for Israel to the Arabs, establishing what is now Jordan. Now it is working hard to help the Arabs steal Israel’s own land and the cradle of its civilisation. This is certainly not the action of a friend. [Map: Jewish Virtual Library]


One of the problems of human rights movements these days is that they assume that all white people are inherently racist and should apologise and atone for any misdeeds of past generations. This in itself is racist, and ignores the fact that racism occurs amongst all peoples. Racism can be found in all countries, in Africa, the Middle East and Asia, not only in Europe and America. This is well documented. As an example, people solely blame Europeans and Americans in the slave trade of the 19th century, while ignoring the participation of Africans and Arabs, which was well documented at the time (for example see Richard Burton, The Lake Regions of Africa, Longman, Green, Longman and Roberts 1860). The “anti-racist” movements of today promote racism, for example the antisemitism in the BLM movement. You cannot fight racism with more racism. You can only fight racism by seeking truth and understanding, which requires a knowledge of history. Illustration: David Roberts, In the slave market at Cairo, 1848


The current spate of “anti-racist” protests has led to the destruction of statues to erase anyone deemed by these self-appointed judges of society to have done some wrong which is real or perceived. There have been precedents over the centuries, but where should one stop? Using their logic just about everything that we treasure should be destroyed, for example why not destroy the pyramids which were built by slaves purely for the vanity of Pharaohs, or perhaps the Colosseum which was used for brutally killing innocent people for the amusement of others? If we destroy these, we do not change the past but deny future generations the ability to learn from the unpalatable parts of history in the hope that such things are not repeated. That is why places like Auschwitz were not destroyed but preserved.


As every propagandist knows, names convey an image, and can be used to hide the truth. Everyone sees the hypocrisy of dictatorships with “democratic” in their names. Likewise, many virtuous sounding names are given to “human rights” groups which themselves are racist. For example, the Women’s March, Black Lives Matter and Antifa movements, all virtuously claiming to be anti-racist yet have anti-Semitic agendas. Everyone’s life should matter and everyone should have equal rights. Those who truly fought against all forms of racism and for the rights of everyone, such as Martin Luther King Jr, would surely be saddened by these groups which divide society. [Photograph: Martin Luther King Jr]


There has been much consternation about Israel’s intention of applying civil law to parts of the West Bank and the Jordan Valley, as stated in America’s peace plan, developed after decades of failure with peace talks, in which every proposal was rejected by the Arabs. Now the UN, some EU countries including Germany and France, the UK, Jordan and others are pressuring Israel not to annex those territories, wrongly claiming that this would break international law. In truth the land already belongs to Israel, as per agreements, including the San Remo resolution 1920 and British mandate for Palestine 1922, the land was recognised as belonging to the Jews, the indigenous people of the land. As such, the land already belongs to Israel and therefore is not being annexed. This land was illegally occupied by Jordanian forces in 1948, which ethnically cleansed all Jews from the area and they held onto it for 19 years. To now claim that Israel is illegally occupying its own land is antisemitic, and in the case of Jordan is also hypocritical considering what it had done in the past.


On May 15th Palestinians celebrate Nakba Day, the Day of Catastrophe, but what really happened on that day in 1948? It was the day when six Arab Armies invaded Israel to drive the Jews, the indigenous people, into the sea. These armies captured what is now called the West Bank and East Jerusalem, which was at the time the Jewish quarter of the city. These armies ethnically cleansed these areas of Jews. To assist in their quest, they urged the Arabs to clear the area, creating 750,000 Arab refugees. At the same time 850,000 Jews became refugees. The Jewish refugees were resettled, however the Arab League refused to allow the Arab refugees to be resettled, in order to keep them as a festering wound to use against the Jews. Later, Jordan illegally annexed the West Bank and East Jerusalem, which it held until Israel recaptured its legal territory in 1967. In the 1960s, for propaganda reasons, these Arabs renamed themselves “Palestinians”. Uniquely for groups of refugees, under UN authority, the Arabs and their descendants remain refugees in perpetuity, even those that have been resettled in other countries, meaning that the conflict can never be resolved. That is the real tragedy. [Photograph: Jews ethnically cleansed from East Jerusalem, 1948]


The fragility of democracy has been clearly demonstrated in Australia. Australia has fared remarkably well in the Corona virus pandemic, with few infections and few deaths, due to both early action by the federal government and low population density, as a result of which almost the whole country is coming out of lock-down. However, in the state of Victoria the Premier has used the opportunity to seize power and run a police state, suspending Parliament and enforcing his dictatorship with a huge police presence and heavy fines. He refuses to relinquish this power now that the pandemic emergency is over. The government is using Stalinist slogans to spread its message of oppression, which even separates families. This demonstrates the ease with which hard earned democracy can be extinguished by a ruthless politician.