Did you know that you can become in instant Lord or Lady just by paying around $50 USD? At least that is what some companies are saying. The reality is not so simple. These companies have land holdings in Scotland and are “selling” plots of this land as small as 1 ft². In Scotland land owners are known as Lairds, which may be translated into Lord or Lady. There is however a catch. Under Scottish law these are known as souvenir plots and you cannot register as an owner of the land, and therefore, although your name may appear in some company document, you are not the legal owner. Furthermore, there are strict laws around legally becoming a Lord or Lady, and buying a souvenir plot certainly will not do it. If you want to be deceptive and use a peerage title to get better service at restaurant or at the airline check-in counter that is your business, but first check the laws in your country as to use of titles. Alternatively, you may view it as a donation to a private nature fund and a bit of fun. There was a similar scheme several years ago when people were selling the rights to name stars, which of course was not recognised by any authority. If you like, PD can sell you the Moon for a decent price.