China was brought in from the cold in 1972 when President Richard Nixon and Henry Kissinger started their famous “ping-pong diplomacy”, and since then the West has assisted China to become in economic powerhouse. China, a ruthless dictatorship, is now repaying the world by trying to re-establish its ancient empire. It has rapidly increased and modernised its military, has taken over the South China Sea and, through bullying, is attempting to turn its neighbours into vassal states that are controlled by it. China daily violates Taiwanese sovereign air space, and is conducting a trade and propaganda war against Australia. Although so far Australia’s Prime Minister is standing firm, as he should, Western Australia is buckling. Under pressure from China it has “in the interest of being factual” rewritten history to lie. Children in that state will now be taught the lies that Taiwan is part of Communist China and that the Coronavirus did not start in China. Just as disgracefully the leftist Victorian government is determined join China’s “belt and road” scheme, which is just a front for China to make states indebted to it. There is no doubt that the result will be a major war that will engulf the region and the United States. With Turkey and Iran also military expanding their empires while Europe turns a blind eye, this will become the largest and most devastating world war anyone has ever seen.