Australian Minister for foreign affairs, Ms Penny Wong, has just completed a belated trip to the Middle East which included stopovers in Jordan, the Palestinian Authority’s areas of the West Bank, Israel and the United Arab Emirates. On this trip, when visiting Israel, she declared that her country stands with Israel and condemns the terrorist attacks against it, but at the same time declared that she would be providing $21.5 million to the Palestinian cause, supposedly for humanitarian aid, however it is well documented that such aid is used for terrorist activities only. Cynically, she met and had photographs taken with the relatives of those who were brutally tortured, raped, murdered taken captive but she refused to visit the site of the pogrom. She lectured Israel on the laws of war, a country which has gone to great lengths to avoid civilian casualties, more than any other country at war, lectured Israel on giving the Palestinians more rights, and showed support for the creation of yet another terrorist state, as if Gaza was not enough. When asked about the rampant antisemitism in Australia, her comment was that antisemitism is increasing everywhere, as if this justified her government’s tacit approval and participation in antisemitism in Australia. All of this was predictable, judging from previous statements from the Australian government, and he was extremely gracious of the Israeli government to allow her to meet officials, let alone spread her Nazi propaganda amongst people who have suffered the greatest brutality and loss of life in a single event since the Holocaust. Australia as well and truly aligned itself with the new axis of evil run by Teheran. [Photograph: Ms Penny Wong, Australia’s Foreign Minister]