Following the brutal rape, torture and murder of 1200 Israelis by Hamas, the terrorist group of voted in and governing Gaza, the entire Western world has compounded the pogrom by turning on its own Jews. In Australia, the UK in the USA there are constant demonstration is calling for the genocide of Jews. The governments and authorities have joined the antisemitism. In addition to being cancelled by universities and enduring violence, Jews in those countries face persecution by authorities. In London, police threatened to arrest due for “looking obviously Jewish” and in Australia Jews who are attacked by antisemitic thugs were arrested for daring to be on the street. London police prevented a demonstration against antisemitism while at the same time giving the green light to demonstrations calling for the murder of Jews. Australia’s Prime Minister, Anthony Albanese, gave a speech declaring that everyone gets on in Australia, as his government and the people of Australia attack Jews. The University of Melbourne, after cancelling Jewish lecturers, declared that he does not tolerate racism. The hypocrisy is astounding. This is 1930s Germany on a grander scale. Right minded people should push back against this instead of watching as it rapidly evolves into genocide. [Photograph: London Police threaten to arrest man for looking obviously Jewish]