Nazi activity in Australia continues to escalate at an alarming rate. In the past week continuing attacks on Jewish businesses have escalated to such an extent that some are starting to shut down. Worse, Jews have been terrorised from their homes, and are beginning to move from suburbs such as Northcote. An influential Member of Parliament, Jenny Leong, presented speech about Jewish “tentacles” and influence, reminiscent of Nazi Germany. This week saw the first public listing of 600 Jews to hunt down, including names, telephone numbers and photographs, again reminiscent of 1930s Germany. The government, in response to UNRWA assisting Hamas terrorism, along with several other countries, recently stopped funding the organisation. With even more revelations of UNWRA participating in Hamas murderous spree, the Australian government has decided to resume funding. Police refuse to act against those who commit antisemitism but will immediately arrest anyone who supports Israel. The situation is so bad that in a rare move, the Israeli ambassador to Australia spoke out against what is happening, to deaf ears. The Prime Minister cries crocodile tears, speaking softly against antisemitism while his government promotes it, reminiscent of Yasser Arafat who would send suicide bombers against Jews and then condemn this action. [Photo: Attack on Jewish centre in Melbourne]