Israel’s proposed changes regarding the law have resulted in protests and words of caution from the United States and the European Union, even though the changes would bring Israel into line with those states. At present Israel has no constitution, only basic laws which are vague and open to wide interpretation by the judiciary stop in addition because of the current situation the judiciary can block laws passed by the Knesset (Israeli parliament) or so loosely interpret the laws that it creates new ones itself. The current changes would give the power of creating laws to the Knesset, as happens in other democratic countries. It is therefore perplexing why those other countries against Israel becoming a fully democratic country in this respect. It also shows the great disrespect of these countries for Israel by constantly interfering in its internal affairs, something they do not do to any other country, including quasi-democracies such as Turkey or dictatorships. It is time that democratic countries stopped bullying the only democracy in the Middle East.