The takeover of the United States by despotic groups is continuing, with big business joining up with anti-liberty groups and the Democrats. This war started four years ago, when the Democrats began their campaign to overturn the 2016 election result. Now that they have been voted in, between speeches on bringing unity and healing, they are practising retribution on those who did not vote for them, starting with ex-President Trump. Big business has now joined them. Lawyers engaged by his team are being sacked, in spite of the premise that everyone has a right to be defended. Social media giants, including Twitter and Facebook, are removing people who did not support the Democrats, hypocritically citing moral standards. These are the same platforms that give voice to anti-Semites and Iranian leaders who call for genocide. YouTube is removing any “dislike” votes from Biden team videos. Whether you agree or disagree with Trump, stifling free speech and destroying anyone who does not agree with the Democrats means that what was once the “land of the free” and a beacon to oppressed people is fast becoming a brutal dictatorship. This is unity Stalin’s way. The likes of North Korea, China, Iran and others must be feeling smug.