With Trump out of the way, the attacks on Israel, the country of the indigenous people in the area, has begun. The EU hypocritically started speaking against Israel for building houses on its own land, while at the same time funding illegal Palestinian housing on Israeli land. The Portuguese Foreign Minister stated that he will recognise Jerusalem as Israel’s capitol only when there is a Palestinian Embassy in the old Jewish Quarter of the City, on land ethnically cleansed of Jews by the Arabs and held by them for only 19 years until it was regained in a war of self-defence in 1967. The Biden administration itself wasted no time in renaming its Embassy the Embassy of Israel, Gaza and Palestine. The designation was later removed however Biden’s first day portends what the next four years will bring, which is a continuation of the Obama administration’s attempts to throw Israel under the bus. For its survival Israel must ignore the bullying and do what is right to ensure that Jews survive in their own land. [Image: Snapshot of the official site of the US Embassy 20th/21st January (depending on time zone), 2021]