The speeches at the Yad Vashem Memorial for the 75th anniversary of the liberation of the Nazi examination camp at Aus… had barely finished and it was backed to business as usual. A 7 year old Arab boy slipped into a body of water and died. Immediately there were accusations that Jews had kidnapped and killed him. Immediately politicians started to condemn the Jews, and these condemnations spread on Twitter. This lie was infamously lastly spread by Congresswoman Rashid Tlaib. Little did it matter that Jews helped search for the boy and Jewish doctors tried to resuscitate him when he was found. This is identical to an old blood libel. In the 13th century an 8 year old boy accidentally drowned in a well in Lincoln, England. The Jews were falsely accused of killing him and 18 were massacred. It is disgraceful and alarming that politicians are spreading such libel, just like in the 1930s. The world has learned nothing from the horrors of the Holocaust and is setting the world up for the next one.