Firemen and arsonists

The title of this post is more of a paraphrase rather than original. PD ran across an article by Gil Troy, an opinion writer and columnist who, writing about some newly elected Congress women, spoke about bridge builders and flame throwers. His article got PD thinking and it is true in a wider context. There are leaders whose aim is to build flourishing nations. These include people like George Washington and David Ben Gurion. Both inspired and built successful democratic nations that are flourishing despite great challenges. Both took in large numbers of refugees who had suffered much and gave them the opportunity to help themselves and the nations that welcomed them. Then there are leaders, such as those who lead the Palestinians, who do not care about their own people and whose aim, apart from enriching themselves, is to perpetuate hate, misery and destruction, and who turn down any opportunity to build a nation. It is difficult to understand that these days so many people in the West support the arsonists not the firemen. Photograph: David Ben Gurion speaking at the Knesset 1957