The metamorphosis of Amnesty International

Amnesty International was founded in London in 1961 by lawyer Peter Benenson (1921 – 2005) to fight for the rights of political prisoners. The movement has broadened and changed. It is now at the forefront of antisemitism, peddling the lies and distortions of the BDS (Boycott, Divest and Sanctions) movement. This week Amnesty International stated that AirBNB did not go far enough in boycotting the Jewish state and also called for travel related groups, TripAdvisor and Expedia to join the boycott of Jews, claiming that tourism to Israel funds abuse of Palestinians, a gross distortion of the truth.

Amnesty International sees no problem with the real abuse of Palestinians in the self governed territories in the West Bank and Gaza, ruled by the despotic Palestinian Authority and Hamas respectively, nor do they seem at all concerned about the real abuse of Palestinians living in Syria and Lebanon. The organisation totally ignores the fact that the territories are disputed, that the Arabs have rejected every peace offer since 1948 and that they wage a war of terrorism against Jews that began decades before modern Israel was established. Amnesty International’s true motivation seems to be supporting groups whose aim is to destroy the only democracy in the Middle East because it happens to be Jewish.

PD wonders what Peter Benenson would have to say about the direction that the organisation has taken.

Below: Screenshot of Amnesty International’s website distorting the truth.