Time for the UN to go

This week demonstrated quite clearly why the United Nations must go. This institution, which is run by a majority of dictatorships, has made the spreading of antisemitism its chief role.

This week it passed six resolutions which wrote out of existence any link that Judaism and Christianity have to Jerusalem. This city was the centre of Judaism and also held importance to Christians before Islam was created. The UN has tried to wipe out 3,000 years of history. Only ten countries, among them the United States, Canada and Australia, voted against these resolutions. In another slap in the face of decency the UN opposed a resolution condemning the terrorist organisation Hamas which runs the Gaza strip and keeps its population in poverty while waging a war of attrition against Israel. The UN supports terrorism rather than nation building.

Much of the Western world panders to this organisation run by human rights abusers rather than saying enough is enough. Like its predecessor, the League of Nations, the UN has outlived its usefulness. It is time for decent nations to stop funding it and start a new organisation that will uphold the ideals of human decency.