Few other issues create as much passion, division and press coverage as the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, but how much do you really know about it? Take part 1 of this easy 2-choice test and over the next few weeks the answers will be revealed. Part 2 will follow. PART 1: #1. Are Israeli settlements in the West Bank legal under international law? A. Yes. B. No. #2. Who are the indigenous people of the area? A. Palestinians. B. Jewish Israelis. #3. There is much talk about ethnic cleansing in the area. In the conflict which people have been ethnically cleansed? A. Jews. B. Palestinians. #4. Under the United Nations are Palestinians treated the same as any other refugees? A. Yes. B. No. #5. Israel is often accused of committing genocide. The Palestinian population is: A. Falling. B. Rising. [Image: Luigi Mayer, City of Bethlehem, late 18th-early 19th C.]