The Australian government has totally failed in its vaccination program. It did not consider a program until other countries were well on the way, and then it decided to rely on only one vaccine, from AstraZeneca, with some additional Pfizer vaccines for politicians and some select groups of people. Unlike other countries, it also did not set up mass vaccination centres. It was a mistake to rely on a single vaccine for most of the population, and to choose a significantly less protective one. Now that there have been additional problems with the AstraZeneca vaccine, with many countries stopping its usage, the program is in disarray. In response, the government has decided that those over 50 years of age are expendable, and will be forced to take the inferior vaccine and one prone to deadly reactions, or miss out altogether, while younger people, which the virus affects less, will be protected. Instead of admitting it had failed and putting in place a totally revised plan to move forward, the government’s answer is to rely on advertising companies to create spin to convince those over 50 years of age to play a vaccination version of Russian roulette, risking death whatever they do. Considering that at present there is no virus in the community, this is the most disgraceful conduct of any elected government in the country’s history. The government appears to forget that it faces an election in 6 months’ time.